Build a GitHub Pages site with simple-purple-theme

Build a GitHub Pages site using simple-purple-theme as a remote theme

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In Using Jekyll and GitHub Pages post I have installed Jekyll, Ruby and Bundler and created a simple site.

The Script

To create a custom site, perform the Jekyll, Ruby and Bundler installation then, in an empty directory, execute this script:

set -e

git clone
cp simple-purple-theme/demo/Gemfile .
cp simple-purple-theme/demo/_config.yml .
cp simple-purple-theme/demo/index.html .
cp simple-purple-theme/demo/example-gitignore .gitignore
mkdir -p assets/img
cp simple-purple-theme/demo/logo.svg assets/img/
cp -r simple-purple-theme/docs/pages .
mkdir -p _posts
rm -rf simple-purple-theme

bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install

Serve the site with:

bundle exec jekyll serve

and open a browser to to see it.


The demo site is served from the demo path. The path is declared in _config.yml. To change it:

  • for root path, comment the line starting with baseurl:
  • for other path change the value of baseurl:

Update the gems

Go to your site’s directory where Gemfile is located and execute bundle update command.