ST-LINK firmware upgrade

Upgrading the firmware of ST-LINK interfaces in Linux, Windows and macOS

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To update the firmware of ST-LINK boards, ST offers three aplications:

  • STM32CubeProgrammer (STM32CubeProg) is an all-in-one multi-OS software tool for programming STM32 products.
  • STM32 ST-LINK Utility (STSW-LINK004) is a full-featured software interface for programming STM32 microcontrollers.
  • STSW-LINK007 is used to upgrade the firmware of the ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2 and ST-LINK/V2-1 boards through the USB port.

I am using the dedicated one, STSW-LINK007. These instructions are dedicated to Linux but usage is similar in Windows and macOS. See RN0093 (link on the bottom of the document) for details.

I have to remember to myself: The STM32Cube Ecosystem is a complete software solution for STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors. It is intended both for users looking for a complete and free development environment for STM32, as well as for users who already have an IDE, including Keil or iAR, in which they can easily integrate the various components such as STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeProgrammer or STM32CubeMonitor.

Libusb and permissions

It needs libusb-1.0 so make sure is installed:

# for Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install libusb-1.0-0

# for Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install libusb-1.0

USB permissions

This is a quick-and-dirty procedure. See Non-root access for ST-LINK and USB-to-serial devices for better settings and more information.

Also, in the AllPlatforms/StlinkRulesFilesForLinux directory you can find, maybe, a simpler method. Start with the readme.txt file.

Libusb requires write access to USB device nodes. If you have not done it already, for non-root acces create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-st-link.rules with this content:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3748", TAG+="uaccess"

# ST-LINK/V2-1
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="374b", TAG+="uaccess"

and reload all the udev rules:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

If the ST-LINK board was plugged, unplug it then plug it again.


Download it, extract it and from the AllPlatforms directory, either:

  • launch STLinkUpgrade.jar
  • execute java -jar STLinkUpgrade.jar

STLinkUpgrade should have found the board, click Refresh device list if not. Now click Open in update mode then click upgrade.

STLinkUpgrade 3.3.4 upgraded my ST-LINK/V2 boards to V2J37S0 firmware version.

RN0093 Firmware upgrade for ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2, ST-LINK/V2-1 and STLINKā€V3 boards offers detailed information about the upgrade process.