Get started with Starlight using containers

Getting started with Starlight, a full-featured documentation theme built on top of the Astro framework, using a Node container with Podman or Docker

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You do not need to install Node.js to use Starlight . Using Node.js from an official container is an easy task.

Compared to initialization of an Astro project, for initializing of a Starlight project the main requirement is changing the template to starlight when running npm -y create astro.

A more elegant approach is initializing and developing using scripts.

To initialize a Starlight project just run found in Astro directory from repository and pass the name of a new directory as parameter.

From the new directory call the scripts as:

  • ./scripts/ to start an Astro development server that listen for live file changes in the src/ directory and updates the site, like the astro dev CLI command. Access the server at http://localhost:4321
  • ./scripts/ to build the site for production. Use it before pushing your site in production to check for build errors.
  • ./scripts/ starts an Astro development server for the site built by script. Access it at http://localhost:4321
  • ./scripts/ to update the Node.js container, the packages and the Astro framework.

If you want more information check the Get started with Astro using containers article.