Custom STM32 board for PlatformIO and Arduino, CMSIS, STM32Cube and LibOpenCM3

Workflow and configuration files for custom STM32 board to be used with PlatformIO and Arduino, CMSIS, STM32Cube and LibOpenCM3 frameworks

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To use a custom board with PlatformIO you need to create a JSON definition file. For Arduino framework you need an Arduino Variant. To test it with multiple frameworks you need an elaborate plaformio.ini.

This document shows all the steps and the pax-BB5 repository contains all that, and more.


Example working configuration for this document:

Note: At least since ST STM32 (15.2.0) with framework-arduinoststm32 4.20100.211028 (2.1.0) the variant files must be named variant_board_name and not variant as in older versions.


Here is a platformio.ini for a custom board that also allow source directories for every framework:

; default_envs = pax_bb5_a

src_filter = -<*>
build_flags = -Wall

platform = ststm32
board = pax_bb5
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}

framework = arduino
board_build.variant = PAX_BB5
board_build.variants_dir = variants
src_filter = ${common.src_filter} +<arduino>

framework = cmsis
src_filter = ${common.src_filter} +<cmsis>

framework = stm32cube
src_filter = ${common.src_filter} +<stm32cube>

framework = libopencm3
src_filter = ${common.src_filter} +<libopencm3>

PlatformIO Board definition

Each project can have custom boards. The default location for project-specific board definitions is the boards directory in the root of the project.

With the default settings, PlatformIO looks for boards in this order:

You can add a board in ~/.platformio/boards or in the ~/.platformio/platforms/*/boards to be available for multiple projects.

Here is a working example file, pax_bb5.json:

  "build": {
    "cpu": "cortex-m0plus",
    "extra_flags": "-DSTM32L051xx",
    "f_cpu": "32000000L",
    "mcu": "stm32l051k8t7",
    "product_line": "STM32L051xx",
    "platform": "ststm32",
    "variant": "PAX_BB5",
    "framework_extra_flags": {
      "arduino": "-D__CORTEX_SC=0 -DARDUINO_PAX5_BB"
  "debug": {
    "jlink_device": "STM32L051K8",
    "openocd_target": "stm32l0",
    "svd_path": "STM32L051x.svd",
    "default_tools": [
  "frameworks": [
  "name": "PAx BaseBoard STM32L051",
  "upload": {
    "maximum_ram_size": 8192,
    "maximum_size": 65536,
    "protocol": "stlink",
    "protocols": [
  "url": "",
  "vendor": "CalinRadoni"

Arduino variant

For all STM32 MCU, these files:

can be taken from Arduino_Tools/genpinmap/Arduino or can be generated with genpinmap.

Modifications for the custom board

Those files should be analyzed and modified for your board.


I have defined all the pins from D0 - D22 and changed all other defines for the board.


1: digitalPin array declares all digital pins, in order, from D0 to D22

2: analogInputPin array declares all analog input pins. It contains the number of each pin from digitalPin array.

3: define the SystemClock_Config function. See further in this document.


Set the content of all arrays according to your board:


I have removed the definitions for alternative pins.

System Clock configuration

void SystemClock_Config(void) from variant_PAX_BB5.cpp must be defined and can be generated with STM32CubeMX application.

Linker script

The ldscript.ld is processor dependent and can be generated with STM32CubeMX application.

Test run

For pax-BB5 here are the results of pio run for the blinky test project:

  Arduino CMSIS STM32Cube LibOpenCM3
RAM usage: 920 bytes 28 bytes 44 bytes 0 bytes
Flash usage: 9944 bytes 456 bytes 1448 bytes 516 bytes
Build time: 9.12 s 0.58 s 3.91 s 1.80 s

no comments because is not the same code, just the same functionality. A bigger project probably will level the results.

More information

Tags:PlatformIOCustom boardSTM32ArduinoCMSISSTM32CubeLibOpenCM3

Category:Software development

Updated 2022-02-09

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