Cream CSS framework

Build instructions

Build with Docker or Podman

If you use Podman replace docker with podman in the following commands.

Prepare the container

Go to CreamCSS project's root directory and run:

docker pull
docker create -it --name cream_builder -v "${PWD}":/app:Z -w /app node:lts-alpine /bin/ash
docker start -a -i cream_builder

In container execute:

npm install --save-dev clean-css

To exit from container use either:

  • exit to stop the container and exit
  • Ctrl+P then Ctrl+Q to leave the container running

Use the container

If the container is stopped start it with:

docker start cream_builder

To build the minimized files execute:

docker exec -it cream_builder node build_CreamCSS.js


If the container is stopped start it with:

docker start cream_builder

Get a shell in the container then update npm and the packages:

docker exec -it cream_builder /bin/ash
npm install -g npm@latest
npm update


These are the commands to stop and remove the container and the downloaded image:

docker stop cream_builder
docker rm cream_builder
docker rmi node:lts-alpine